Friday, April 3, 2015

Lotsa Links!

Hi everyone! I realize I forgot to post a cap yesterday! So I'm going to try to make it up to you with some links to caps, contests, and other information that might be useful to you!

First, I wanted to endorse two new caption blogs that have just gotten underway, Anderson's TG Captions and Christina's TG Captions. Anderson and Christina have been consistent participants in my caption contests, turning in excellent pieces that are well-crafted from a stylistic and thematic standpoint. Go check them out and enjoy their work!

Next, I wanted to update everyone on the ongoings over at Starz Caption Contests. The current contest, Fathers/Sons, has been extended to Sunday because of low submissions. This is usually a popular theme so if you were unaware of it's existence and want to make a cap, head on over there! Additionally, I've begun to post a contest every week, meaning that a second contest based on the theme of Heels and Boots, is now up and running as well! That contest will be running through April 11th, so feel free to get started on that!

Finally, it's now been a month since I've opened up my sister blogs and started spreading my content out into multiple sites. As such, I wanted to get some feedback from you all on which sites you visit and whether you like the way it's spread out. I've put two polls up on the right - please vote and let me know your thoughts in comments!

Oh, and don't think I wasn't going to leave you without a cap :) Here's a simple bimbo cap - enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Its great to see two new blogs. i have just checked them out both worth the visit.
    Love your caption Elena its great when the tables are turned.
