Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Destiny (Working Week) - Re-Education 101: How to Become a Blonde Bimbo

I decided to try something new with this cap because I wanted it to be a hypnosis/loss of control cap. I've done caps where a feminizer talks at the feminized man who only responds girlishly, if they respond at all, and caps where the hypnotized man's thoughts are displayed and his frustration at the lack of control over his body (which is acting/talking girlishly) is the basis of the cap - however I have never done both at the same time. I thought that this would be interesting to do, have someone talking at a hypnotized bimbo, then have the man in the bimbo's body react to what's being said, even if he can't do anything. I think you can figure out which side is which, but just in case its too hard for you bimbos out there ;) the left side is a dialogue with the hypnotized bimbo and the right side is the man's thoughts inside the bimbo body which he can't control...enjoy!


  1. Interesting approach. I wouldn't have minded seeing more of her words and the internal reaction a little more than so much from the other person.

  2. Excellent cap. I hope you do more caps like this.

  3. Good job on the cap. I liked the dialogue between them but just wish there was more story. Nice idea though and I liked how you included the pic into the story.

  4. Love the cap! I liked the way you wrote it!
