Monday, December 15, 2014

MHDC: Role Models

Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll for the caption contest - winners should have been posted by now and emailed for the opportunity to get a prize cap! 

So today we have the second cap in the Mildew High Dress Code series. I'm trying to go a little bit chronological here, but I feel that a lot of future caps will still be quite standalone like I hope this one is. Also, I've included some short polls on the right of the blog asking various questions about all of the series. I want to get a sense from people who might not be inclined to comment about what their preferences for the development of each series is. So go vote in those polls and enjoy this caption!
*EDIT* I decided not to put up polls because I realized that my questions were too general. I think I'll explore some options, see what the reaction is, and maybe ask questions later!