Hi all! First REALLY BIG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from me to you all. I got a FANTASTIC set of responses from all of you, whether it was in suggesting names, offering images, requesting cap ideas, or simply saying nice things in support of this idea. The official name of this series will be "Re-Education 101: How to be a Blonde Bimbo" - dual credit goes to Jessica Fisher here on the blog and zgmfx20asfg over at Rachel's Haven for half of the final title. I chose this because this series is going to be based around a class that teaches/forces boys to become blonde bimbos, hence the "Re-Education 101" (for a re-educating class) and "How to be a Blonde Bimbo" (because, they're going to become bimbos....duh!). The very first cap will come at 5:00 PM PST (I'm on the West Coast of the U.S., so that's how I go!) on November 1st, and it will give a little bit more background into the story basis and a general idea of what to expect. After that, every day at 5:00 PM PST there will be a new cap, without fail.
Anyways, if you still want a specific bimbo cap of still have names to suggest, feel free to post them in the comments or email me at ElenaStarz4372@gmail.com. This series is going to last for more than three months, so there's plenty time to get in on the action! With that, thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for supporting this - I'm really excited about this and hope you'll enjoy what I make or help me shape it into something great along the way!