Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rose - Re-Education 101: How to Become a Blonde Bimbo

So now that the Halloween caps are over, I am both proud and sad to announce that there are only 6 more HTBABB captions left in the 101 cap series! Although I am undecided on whether this series will permanently end after these next six (especially considering how many good images I have left in storage that are begging for a cap!), I can confirm that these next six are the culmination of what I have planned and any future caps will come at a later time.
However, as we are on the final stretch, I wanted to put forth some of my best work (in my opinion) - save the best for last, as they say. I also want to add a little backstory on Professor Blonde/kind of wrap up the Dean Rests saga. So, the tentative layout for the next six days will be 4/5 days of random caps that I consider to be quite good followed by 1/2 days of cap(s) on Professor Blonde and/or Dean Rests. 
Today, we have a caption about a fashion challenged student that becomes a stunning fashionista. Enjoy!

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