Monday, December 16, 2013

Mr. Robinson

So this is a bit of a special cap. I recently watched "The Graduate" for the first time and absolutely loved it. An absolutely fantastic film that I wish I had seen sooner! But the most famous part in the film got me thinking about a unique here is my twist on that scene. If you've seen the film, I hope you appreciate it - and if you haven't don't worry, I'm sure it will be quite good without the background. Enjoy! :)


  1. I think ben is going to run , despite the kind offer. I thought you would do the scene in the church.

  2. A unique and novel twist on the film, and as talking and writing about film is basically what I do I am addmittedly impressed with this one. Granted, considering that statement I'm just as admittedly biased, but we'll leave that be. ;) Seriously, though, nicely done. I like this one a lot.
